martedì 23 marzo 2021

THE WAYS OF LOVE di Camilla G.Iannacci


La descrizione poetica dell'amore è sentimento puro, doloroso, dolce e terribile, allo stesso tempo: 

- le relazioni e i modi dell'amore
- parlare la lingua dell'amore
- definizioni dell'amore 
-come vivere gli affetti
-una nuova dimensione dell'amore  

Are you in a relationship and you can't find the right moment to say the three magical words "I love you"?
Are you constantly anxious and insecure about giving affections because you are afraid that they won't be returned?

If so, you are in luck because you will discover the whole new dimension of love and relationships with this practical love guide.
If you ask anyone what love is to them, they will give you their own meaning. The poetic description of love is pure, painful, sweet, and dreadful feeling, all at the same time.

Love is, in reality, a simple need in everyone's life. To live a good and happy life, everyone requires love.
Would you like to learn how to speak the language of love?
Would you like to always succeed in your every relationship?

With this guide in your hands, you will learn how to remove all your relationship-related insecurities. 
You will learn how to express love in a way that the person receiving it knows that your intentions stem from a place of love.

Here's what this practical relationship guide can offer you:
Way to improve your relationships with expert tips and advice

Guide to stop being insecure about affections
Guide to recognize the Definitions of love that everyone should know

The stages of relationship every couple goes through Red flags in a relationship that signal 'it's time for a change'
The most common reasons couples break up
And much more!

If you want to succeed in dating and relationships with ease and learn how to live the affections, all you need to do that can be found inside of this book. 

"What are you waiting for?
Scroll up, click on "Buy Now with 1-Click", and Get Your Copy Now!

Lovers are in a hurry to say #ILoveYou and anticipate every move and decision that prevents them from saying #ILoveYou anytime, anywhere and anytime: they wouldn't be in love differently.

Love has its reasons: it is a truth that does not admit or know objections. But "how to return to the truth of love in the epoch of its end?": We return to the truth only from the roots: thinking about #ILoveYou: the simplest and "philosophical" verb of all: #ILoveYou": I know, you think so.

Saying #ILoveYou is worth challenging the “Tractatus logico-philosophicus”  by Wittgenstein for which "on what we cannot talk about, we must be silent" and talk and it is immediately evident that it does not know reasonableness, only excess loves #ILoveYou: it is absolute and pre-powerful like a child alone between the unspeakable and the undecidable there is the #ILoveYou.

And “what do I think when I don't think about you? What does not-thinking about you mean? ": When I think "I don't think about you":

1st I think,
2 ^ I am looking for the epochè from #ILoveYou,
3 ^ I don't go out,
4 ^ I think I don't think about you in thinking about you,
5 ^ the "I don't think of you" or the "I think of you linked to #ILoveYou, is other than" I think "and, even if it finds a root in it, it distances itself from it: it inhabits a territory whose borders are not dominated.

Perhaps the "discourse" on love is a return to "mania" and mythos because it cannot be objectified, it is not clear and distinct: it experiences the abyss, the undecidable and precisely when and if it tries to say itself it discovers its limits and it can only be an autobiography, a story, a poem, a work of art, a singularity that speaks to other singularities. 

The #ILoveYou is followed by "forever,": which is not always forever but to live it cannot be separated from it and above all the #ILoveYou is intertwined with "madness": in fact we say "I love you madly": philosophy can speak, groped a discourse on incandescence, on the passion suffered - therefore - by the ego which - therefore - is dispossessed of it.

In the book “The Ways of Love” by Camilla G. Iannacci, on amazon, you can find a useful guide to be happy in love

Discover the Secret to Success in Dating and Relationships and Learn the Ways of Love!


BIOGRAPHY............................................ 2
INTRODUCTION...................................... 7
CHAPTER ONE........................................ 9
Definitions Of Love That Everyone Should Know
What It’s Really Like To Fall In Love...15
CHAPTER TWO..................................... 34
The Stages Of A Relationship Every
Couple Goes Through
CHAPTER THREE................................. 52
Red Flags In A Relationship That Signal
It's Time For A Change
CHAPTER  FOUR....................................92
Most Common Reasons Couples Break Up



-Giacinto Plescia: Ontology of the Physis
-Giacinto Plescia: Epistemic, Nothingness and Art
-Giacinto Plescia: Ontology of Physis: Hermeneutics and Epistemics of Mathematical Physics, Godel-Heidegger-Thom
-Giacinto Plescia: Ontology of Art, Ontological Epistemic
-Giacinto Plescia: Kalipso’s song, the Goddess of the Sublime, the Nothing and the Sublime, a New Ontology of the Work of Art
-Giacinto Plescia: Ontology of the Myth
-Giacinto Plescia: Ontology of the Sublime
-Giacinto Plescia: Ontology of the Work of Art: the Beauty between Nodes, Ribbons and Singularity, for a Morphogenesis and Topology of Art
-Giacinto Plescia: A Topological Model of Mind  the Problem of Consciousness
-Giacinto Plescia: Epistemic and Art: the Beauty after the Nothingness
-Giacinto Plescia: Onthodynamis
-Giacinto Plescia: The Chaosmos: is Infinite, Infinitesimal
-Giacinto Plescia: Ontology of Mathesis and the Crisis of Foundations
-Giacinto  Plescia: Hi-Tech Spatiality:  Technocities, Highways, Valleys
-Giacinto Plescia: Analysis of Post-industrial Spatial-Archemorphism
-Giacinto Plescia: Space Archeomorphs of Innovance: Technology, Production and Media


Camilla G. Iannacci
-attended Lectures, Seminars on Philosophy at ‘S. Carlo Foundation’ in Modena, at the Departments of Philosophy of the Universities of Turin and Florence.
She collaborated with Giacinto Plescia: Graduated in Architecture at the Polytechnic University of Turin
Former Project Researcher and Temporary Contractor at CNR, Participated some Calls EU and CNR.

She received:

-The CdCalendarsPirelliInternetional for the Essay 'About Time' 1997;
-the 1st Prize of the 'Pegaso-Dire' Poetry Competition in Biella;
-the 2nd Prize of Poetry 'The Piazzetta' in Salerno
-the 2nd Prize of the Prose Competition 'Pegasus' in Biella;
-She ranked third in the Literary Prize 'La Pira'  in Pistoia.
-Some of her Poems are online:;
-some stories on: 'La Repubblica-Firenze'.

She has been reviewed in:

-"Storie", Feltrinelli – MI
-"History of Italian Literature" - Helicon Ed. by Prof. N. Bonifazi, Foreword by Prof. G. Luti
She participated in:
-the 8th Poetry Prize 'W. Tobagi' in Ateneo Veneto
-the 'M. Luzi' Prize;
-the 'Focus' Prize.
-the CNR Call Promotion Research-Typology "Publication Paper: Historical, Philosophical and Italian Literary with particular attention to Contemporary Reflection" with the Research 'The Principle of Indeterminacy as Hermeneutics of the Relationship between man and Physis'


-A Simple Friendship with Rossana Rossanda, a short Correspondence;
-Ferragni and Fedez: Analysis and Morpho-genesis of a Singularity in the Info-Space-Time of Social Media;
-Ferragni and Fedez: Media-Morphosis. Aphorism about the Ferragnez

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